
Birth Cultures’ toolkits for secondary schools

Birth Cultures’ toolkits for secondary schools

© 2020 All rights reserved. C nahdran / Birthcafé Campaign. Unauthorized use of this picture is not allowed. An important part of the Birth Cultures project has to do with awareness raising as to...

Birth Cultures: Audience development trainings go on!

Birth Cultures: Audience development trainings go on!

According to the “Study on Audience development”, audience development means placing the audience at the centre of cultural organizations and the European Commission defines it as follows: “A strategic, dynamic...

Roses against violence

Roses against violence

‘Roses against violence’ is one of the stories described by the Frauenmuseum Hittisau during the Campaign “Orange the World” Source: Blog “Starke Frauen. Starke Geschichten”, (Strong women, strong stories) the Frauenmuseum Hittisau In...

Birth Cultures: A new exhibition opens in Frauenmuseum Hittisau

Birth Cultures: A new exhibition opens in Frauenmuseum Hittisau

Frauenmuseum Hittisau celebrated its 20th anniversary with the opening of the exhibition, "Birth culture: Giving birth and being born".   ‘What happens during birth?’ ‘What are the rituals related to birth that exist throughout the world and how...

Birth Cultures in the Kick-Off Meeting of the Creative Europe Culture Programme 2019

Birth Cultures in the Kick-Off Meeting of the Creative Europe Culture Programme 2019

The Kick-off Meeting of the Creative Europe - Culture Program , organized by the Education, Audiovisual and Culture Executive Agency ( EACEA ) of the European Commission , took place...